10 Fascinating Facts About Eskimos

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Webpelzdecke » günstige Webpelzdecken bei Livingo kaufen - This was a natural and healthy fear in an arctic society where dropping in the water often meant death. Still, even the scientists who took part in proving Stefansson wrong found the theory compelling enough to say there might be something behind it.

There are many names for the brave, kayak-paddling people of the North who live in some of the harshest conditions known to man. But what do we really know about them. Beyond the igloos, harpoons, and hooded fur coats, most people know very little about these historical hunter-gatherers and their modern kin. The generally accepted, politically correct name that many of them also use themselves is Inuit. The Inuit are often thought to replace kissing with this nose-to-nose gesture because ordinary kissing could freeze their saliva and lock their lips together in an embarrassing, possibly dangerous fashion. However, there is far more to this simple action than many people think. Although the kunik is not really relatable to kissing, it is generally considered an intimate gesture that is not often done in public. A vegetarian would have a hard time living with eskimo felldecken traditional Inuit tribe. Because they live in a barren, cold environment, their diet is heavily based on different meats and only occasionally features eskimo felldecken berries and seaweed. Even in modern times, fruit and vegetables are scarce and expensive to import, so they still rely on the land quite a bit. Inuit have always been expert hunters that can and will. The meats they consume include caribou, narwhal, walrus, eskimo felldecken, and various fish and birds. Even polar bears sometimes appear on the menu. There are many traditional ways to prepare food: drying, cooking in seal oil, or burying it until it ferments naturally. Some consider frozen, raw whitefish eskimo felldecken delicacy. Although most people picture igloos as smallish snow domes, they come in a vast range of shapes and sizes. The Inuit spent their days traversing perilous ice fields, hunting massive walruses and aggressive polar bears. It could be difficult to scare their children into obedience with bogeyman stories—the kids knew all too well that real teeth and claws were waiting around every corner. Still, there was one creature that even Inuit children feared. According to legend, it was a perversely twisted humanoid that waited under the water to drag unwary people in the icy depths of the sea. This eskimo felldecken a natural and healthy fear in an arctic society where dropping in the water often meant death. This sparked a heated discussion on the nature of this tribe. Most people eventually agreed that these blond Inuit from the Canadian arctic were descendants of Viking explorers that had settled in the area centuries ago. Also, a 2003 debunked the whole hypothesis. Still, even the scientists who took part in proving Stefansson wrong found the theory compelling enough to say there might be something behind it. Depending on who you ask, the Inuit can describe snow with 50—400 different words, all eloquently crafted to describe a very specific type of frozen precipitation. The idea of the multitude of snow words was inadvertently created in the 19th century by anthropologist Franz Boas, who lived with the Inuit and studied their habits. He forgot to mention that the Inuit language is structured in a fashion that strings several words into one, thus creating the impression that an entire phrase was just one word. In reality, the Inuit only have about as many words for snow as English-speaking folks. However, back when they relied exclusively on hunting to survive, they were also very talented. After all, a lot of their prey could be dangerous, eskimo felldecken no one wants to take on a massive beast without at some protection. The was a type of lamellar armor that consisted of plates of bone often made from walrus teeth, known as walrus ivory. Straps of raw leather held the armor together. Curiously, the design somewhat resembles the—extremely effective—armor used by ancient Japanese warriors. The fact that the Inuit people were able to come up with such a hugely functional armor while using just bits of the animals they were able to hunt speaks volumes to their ingeniousness and talent for survival. They had no means to forge metal on a large scale, so bone was a major feature in their weaponry. Clubs, bone knives, spears, and harpoons were common weapons. A signature bladed tool of Inuit women was the ulu, a large-bladed, curved knife that was mainly used as a means to cut through frozen meat, but it also made a nasty punch dagger if the situation required. Since most Inuit weapons were mainly used for hunting and butchering, they were specifically made for inflicting maximum damage. The blades were sharp and often serrated, designed for tearing and mauling rather than neat slicing and puncturing. This, combined with the fact that the same weapons were used for war when the situation required, made the Inuit warriors particularly frightening to their enemies. This, along with discrimination and officials ignoring them as a culture particularly in the U. Western diet and a less strenuous lifestyle have also begetted a multitude of health issues. It remains to be seen how the Inuit culture survives. One possibility is the interest big business is taking in the North and its. The Inuit know the area and have plenty of untapped workforce, so at least their financial future might be a bit brighter. Pauli Poisuo also writes for. Why not follow him on?.


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